I've decided that people who say they live their lives without regret are full of sh---nizzle cookies. Ya, I said shnizzle cookies. After all, this blog is PG-13. I can write about marijuana and gay marriage, but excrement is off limits. For now anyways...:)
Back to my original thought. Life without regret isn't realistic if you ask me. We all have regrets. Denying them isn't healthy. Just admit it already. For me, my education is a bit of a regret. With graduation season in full swing, I can't help but think back on the five years I spent in college.
For four years I struggled determining what I wanted to major in, going from education, to English, to psychology, to journalism -- before eventually finishing with a General Studies Degree. That last year I spent trying to figure out how to get of of college with a diploma that might land me a job. It did, but not for long. Between the 8 a.m. classes and 2 a.m. club nights, college is just a big blur right now. Sometimes, it seems like such a small and insignificant part of my overall life.
It might seem like that, but the reality of it is that educational decisions are very important. All you graduates should take a few seconds, check that, days, weeks, months or years, to determine what to study and what your studies will eventually lead you to do in life. Trust me, you don't want to end up with regret. Good luck!
I regret dropping out of college. I would have loved to have that experience. I can go back to school and finish. But I missed the fun young experience window. I now have two teenagers and a life in full swing. :)