Monday, June 25, 2012

Alec Baldwin, I can't quit you...haha

So, I had dinner with some friends last night who don't have cable. Can you believe it? Yep, there are still people who choose not to have cable. Don't get me wrong. They're not the wooden cabin, off the grid type of people. I mean, they have internet access and get their fill of Thirty Rock online, but I realized they miss out on all the crazy stuff Alec Baldwin is doing in his "real" life.

Ya, it became apparent to me last night that I'm the one who watches too much television. Well, at least the one out of the foursome at dinner last night. I guess they're just happy knowing Alec as his wise cracking character Jack Donaghy and not that raging egomaniac who writes a divorce book for men after his nasty divorce with Kim Bassinger, calls his kid a fat pig in a voice mail, gets kicked off planes for arguing with the flight attendant when he didn't want to turn off his phone and beats up on the paparazzi for getting too close. Ya, as much as I love the on-tv Alec, and enjoy his handsome look and stellar acting on the big screen, his off-screen antics make me think he's not such a good guy.

Hell, who am I to cast judgment? I mean, a lot of people judge me before ever talking to me and I hate that. Why do people do that anyway? I guess we've all become accustomed to judging people. Maybe it's our thirst for details about celebrities' lives that ultimately leads us to cast quick judgments. I mean, if Joan Rivers wasn't so quick to crack a joke about celebrity outfits on Fashion Police, would we really care if Gwen Steffani or Alyssa Millano wore the dress better?

The answer? Of course we would. The truth is that we care about Gwen and Alyssa. We want them to look stellar on the red carpet and accessorize with the right shoes, jewelry and handbags. Wait, what's that you say? You mean it's only me? Damn you pop culture. You've got a hold on me and I can't stop watching. The reality is that I love reality tv. I want to know which Teen Mom ends of graduating and who ends up in rehab. I care about Flava Flav and want him to meet a sexy young woman capable of fulfilling his desires. Ray-J, Bret Michaels and Antonio Sabato Jr. deserve love too and I need to watch it.

Okay, obviously we all have our issues and mine have become more apparent the more I write here this morning, but I encourage all those Americans out there who have cut the cable to save a few bucks, or regain their sanity, to get back on the crazy train. You deserve it. I mean, Alec isn't going to be around forever. He's getting married again and will likely be raising a new little fat piglet real soon. Don't blame him. Embrace him for all his zanny off-screen antics. Judge not less ye be judged. And, for goodness sake, if it doesn't make it to cable, please post it to You Tube. I just can't get enough!!!


  1. Now that is a side of you that I did not know was soooo much a part of you. Next time we talk...let's talk more "POP" culture! :) And I too still like Alec Baldwin even though he goes off he deep end.

    1. haha, you didn't? Ya, I'm guilty. Alec and I have a very love / hate relationship. But I'm okay with it.

  2. aaah...reality tv...i hate that I love it! my husband loves to watch jersey shore....cracks me up...but dang it, my ears perk up and i find myself asking my husband what the heck the gang is up to these days and how in the world will they make a show out of a pregnant snookie and what's-her-name with the boobies...he shrugs.

    the highlight of my morning was working intently on my scrapbooking online upstairs...i hear jersey accents downstairs. i think my kids are in their room...until i hear my girl say (to my husband)...."what's a dildo?" eyes start to water as i muffle my laughter ;)

    1. haha, mo's got some splanin' to I'd let the husband handle that inquiry...haha ... maybe Snookie and J-Wow should be off limits for a while, eh? lol
