Friday, October 19, 2012

Was I rude? Read the e-mails and decide for me.

So, I replied to a Craigslist ad for a ghost blogger and they called me rude. I didn't think I was being rude, but maybe you'all have a different opinion. Here's the conversation. What do you think? I might have gotten a little annoyed, but was I really rude?


I'd be interested in helping to write the (edited to protect) blog for $10 per post. I figure that's a fair price for an hour's work.

My current blog is:

Take a look and let me know if you're interested.

360-318-5921 - cell


Hi Brien,

Posts don't take an hour to write, plus receiving free swag (edited to protect)  is a pricy bonus.

Anyways, I have received over 30 applicants and have already chosen the (edited) blogger. Thank you for your application- in the future, don't ask for more before you are even picked. It is considered rude and other people will not hire you.


okay, thanks. Didn't mean to seem rude. I just thought $6 seemed a little cheap for my time. I'll ask whatever I want when selling my services. I think $10 isn't unreasonable. It takes me about an hour to write my current blog, so I was adjusting accordingly. If i can't do a gig for at least minimum wage, it's probably not worth the time anyway. I'm sure you'll probably realize this when dealing with your ghost bloggers. You get what you pay for. 

I'm glad you got the position filled.



Again, rudeness. I have worked in the business industry all my life and grew up in it. If there's one thing I know, it's payment- and able to tell if you are being rude. Writing an entry for 6$ is overpaid. I know many people who apply for ghostblogging positions that take quite a few hours and only be paid one dollar per post. I am not asking you to write a book, which is the cost you are asking for, and a book takes at the very minimum one month to complete. Lots of times it takes half a year to many years.

I have received an applicant who is professional, been doing this for a long time, and can mirror my style and is exactly what I asked for. So yes, I am getting what I am paying for- perfection and excellence. You could learn it yourself if you wish to fulfill this type of position in the future for any person. No rational person will hire you for 10$ per entry.


I'll agree to disagree. I just said that for my services it's not enough. Obviously you're not interested in my services, so it's not even a point worth typing about.

I'm sure you know what they say about opinions...Everyone's got one. If you want someone to read yours, maybe you should think twice about how you treat people as well.


How I treat people?

Free (edited to protect) swag,
Easy and quick money,
Free coffee and/or hot chocolate,
work from home,
free (edited to protect swag.

Ever heard of "do your research"? A very common statement.
I am giving you advice from a professional who has been in this industry for seventeen years. You can choose to take it or leave it, but if you leave it, you should be aware of the consenquences.

Email me again and I will report you to craigslist and will spam you from my inbox.
Learn. You obviously need to learn a lot.

Me asking question of the day: What do you think readers? Would you read this person's blog? And is ghost blogging even acceptable? Shouldn't you do your own work? That's what I learned in school. Life has taught me that lesson the hard way a few times...:)

1 comment:

  1. Ok....this person you emailed lives in a basement with their mother. They are an eogomaniac with no concept of what money is...since they live in their mother's basement...Yikes is all I have to say!!! this person you sent your email to is horrible!!! I'd love to know what blog they write for to flag it!!! YUCK!!!
