Sunday, August 5, 2012

Perception creates reality -- Live in it to the fullest

It seems that life is a lot about perception these days. We perceive people to be a certain way and hope our friends, family and loved ones live up to our perceptions. When they don't, we often end up confused. It throws us for a loop and our initial perceptions often change. It seems perceptions and reality constantly differ and we're all too often left wondering why we had our initial thoughts in the first place. defines perception as: the act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.

I like to think I'm pretty in touch with my senses, but as soon as one isn't firing on all cylinders, my perception of people and situations get all mixed up. I imagine that's the same for lots of folks. If you have a cold and your sense of smell isn't working, you might walk into a situation and not be able to "smell what the Rock is cookin'". Duane Johnson would then commence to lay down and old-fashioned smack down on your candy ass and it's all because you weren't fully in touch with your senses.

If you think about it, we often take our five senses for granted. Of course vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch are important to our existence as human beings, but they also create the experiences we have in our lives, so keeping them sharp is paramount. 

But how often do we really exercise our senses. No, we take them for granted. We expect that each morning when we get up, we'll be able to reach over, touch that alarm clock and turn that snooze button on for another five minutes of zzzs. It's only when our body fails us that our senses come to mind. When we wake up with a cold and that morning coffee doesn't taste as good, we complain.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that our initial perceptions create the enviornment we live in every day. Our senses can provide us with valuable information about people, places and things that enter our lives. So listen to those senses, live in each moment and don't be scared if your perception turns out to differ from what it seems. It makes life more interesting.

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