Sunday, July 22, 2012

Got your plan set? Well, I've got mine. I have none!

Ever meet those people who have to set a plan for everything? They're always asking ...What's your plan for today? What's your plan for this week? What's your plan for this month? What's your plan for this year? What's your plan for this second? Well, you get the point.

Personally, sometimes I think it's best to operate without a plan. I'm not "technically" a religious person, but sometimes I do believe that my life is predetermined and God, or whoever it is that put together my plan, has it all charted out for me. I'm sure if there is a God, then he certainly has a woman in his life doing all the planning for each and every one of his creations. So why would I need to worry about my plan for every last second when it's already in place.

I've found that if you live life that way, it takes a ton of the worry out of it. You can just live in the moment and cruise through your predetermined events enjoying each one as they come. So far, things have seemed to fall into place for me, but when a friend of mine asked me what my plan was for my 36th year on this good earth, I wasn't about to tell her I didn't have one. You know how certain friends expect bigger and better things out of you each and every year? You know those friends we call women. Well, she's one of them and I've learned to respect her opinion over the years. I'm not quite sure what she's thinking all the time and I like that. It makes friends more interesting.

Kidding aside, when my friend asked me my plan, I actually thought for a second about establishing a grand plan this year. I was gonna get started the next day with my pen and pad, carefully writing down all my hopes and dreams and then crossing them off one at a time. But then I realized my life just doesn't work like that. Life isn't a plan. Life is what happens between the plans. So, in theory, I guess I just answered her question. What's my plan for my 36th year? My plan is to continue living in every last moment between everyone else's plans. I'm not saying those of you who go plan crazy are wrong. I'm just saying, think about my way of doing things and when it's all said and done, we'll see who has more fun.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Kid Is Not My Son...What!!!

My little trip down memory lane in yesterday's birthday blog got me to thinking. Ya, sometimes those two brain cells stop rattling around long enough to create a thought. So I was thinking about how different we view our lives as adults than we did as children.

For example, I loved Michael Jackson as a child. I cut his pictures out of magazines, bought his stickers, posters, school folders and so on. But I never thought twice about the words he actually sang. In Billie Jean, when Michael sang:

People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do 'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth

I never thought twice about what he was actually singing. The song had a good beat. Michael sang the hell out of it and danced in the video like a boss. That was all that mattered. But is that really all that mattered? Michael poured his heart out and all I could do was dance around like a little fool. Mike sang on, but I didn't listen. I was too busy trying to learn how to moon walk. He sang:

Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son

What! You mean Michael had real girl troubles? And a real son that he denied? Was this Michael's confession? Did he set the stage for R. Kelly's In The Closet tirades and Usher's continual confessions. Ya, Mike was ahead of his time. 

According to Wikipedia, the song was either about a mentally-ill fan who claimed Michael had fathered one of her twins. Is it even possible to father just one twin? Or, as Michael says, the song was about the groupies he encountered. 

To me, it was just a cool video where the sidewalk lit up and allowed me to escape to a place where bow ties were cool. I could get down with that, but babies, deranged fans and groupies never even crossed my mind. 

I guess the life of an adult is far more complex than a child. We learn about relationships and suddenly a great pop song turns from toe tapper to a mind trapper. I try not to get too caught up in adulthood, but I do listen to lyrics more these days. I take the time to enjoy the little things in life. I hope you all can make time to enjoy the little things in your lives today and maybe try moon walking like a little fool again. Go ahead, put your socks on, hit that hardwood floor and try it. I dare you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me! Childhood & other memories...

Happy Birthday to me...:)

It seems the older I get, the more I think about my childhood.

Growing up in Lynnwood, I remember walks to the corner park with my mom and dad. I remember the freedom of playing in a cul-de-sac without constant parental supervision. I remember visiting my friends Trent & Troy and turning up Michael Jackson's Beat It as loud as their mom would allow and dancing like only kids do. Thriller and Billie Jean might have been the hits, but Beat It was our jam...:)

I remember Punky Brewster, Who's The Boss and the A-Team. B.A. Baracus was everyone's favorite. Who doesn't love a guy known for his "Bad Attitude". I remember watching my brother dominate in track & field at Edmonds High School and idolizing him as the athlete I would never be. I remember chasing my sister around the house when her friends came to visit as they locked me out and blasted Duran Duran's The Reflex and Hungary Like The Wolf. And even though I never did "ok" right (inside joke), I knew everything was okay between us.

I remember laying my head on my mom's lap before it was time for bed. I remember my dad getting up early to make school lunch and fix me a special omelet for breakfast. I remember family spaghetti dinners. Oh, how I love spaghetti. I remember family vacations and trips to Vancouver Island to visit my God parents Henri & Johanna. I remember when my brother came back from the Army and I couldn't stop wrestling with him on the floor. I remember summer trips to my grandparent's place in Oregon and fishing, skipping rocks and swimming in the creek.

When I think about it all now, it kind of comes as a big blur and leaves me feeling a bit nostalgic and teary eyed about how fast the time has gone. Adolescence was pretty easy for me as well. People always seemed to want to be my friend. The football players, the geeks, the nerds; they all had no issue befriending the quiet nice guy.

Now, as I struggle making money to pay two mortgages, keep my small business ( turning profit and finding time for friends and family, life still is pretty good. I make time to enjoy my hobby and take pictures when I can, and even share my work with a growing Facebook community. I have fans for goodness sake...haha I mean, of course everyone has their days, but I think my healthy childhood has set me up for a fulfilling adulthood.

Happy Birthday to me...:)

I think I'm gonna blast that 50 Cent song now about it being my birthday.

It's time to wake up some neighbors...haha

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Katie Holmes -- Celebrity Detective -- The No Wit Sherlock

Sometimes the media cracks me up. Take the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce for example. The media can turn anything into a story. If you haven't followed it, I guess the latest news is that Katie had a "secret" disposable phone that she made the phone calls to her lawyer with and eventually called Tom to surprise him with the divorce news.

I mean, it's not like Katie is the next Sherlock Holmes or something. Well, at least I don't think there's a connection. They do share the last name. If you ask me, it's not a movie-worthy plot at all, but if you ask the media, it's the next big block buster. They write about it like it should be on the big screen -- How Katie Got Her Divorce. I guess if Tyler Perry can keep putting out movies dressed in drag as Madia, then Katie could possibly get a movie about her divorce.

It seems to me that it doesn't really take a genius to go pick up a disposable phone, does it? I mean, if drug dealers selling crack on the corner can figure it out, then surely a multi-million dollar celebrity can hire some schlub to pick one up for her. Maybe I just don't understand the strong hand of Tom Cruise.

After all, it's not like Katie is new to divorces. Her father is a divorce lawyer for goodness sake. With her daddy in her corner, and the best lawyers that Tom's money can buy secretly corresponding with her, it's no surprise to me that she got what she wanted and got it over and done with fast. Lesson learned Katie: I guess the Hollywood fantasy is never quite as good as the real story.

When I was younger, I wanted to fall in love and marry Alyssa Milano. We were both teenagers growing up together. Tony and Angela ran her world during the 80s on Who's the Boss and I never missed it. We lost touch a little during the 90s when she played a witch on Charmed, but I couldn't help but tune in now and then to watch my crush do her thang. Now, almost three decades later, all she does is bum me out with those super sad Unisef commercials where she begs for my change. Ya, I guess fairy tales don't always end up like you imagined.

If only Katie used her magnifying glass on Tom. Hey, now there's a great idea for a movie. Katie could star as a sexy, recently divorced 21st century detective who magnifies Hollywood's A-list celebrities to find all their flaws before her clients ruin their lives by marrying these egomanics. Hey, don't laugh! I bet it would at least fill the seats as much as Madia's last adventure.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who's not coo-coo to taste Coco Puffs?

Okay, after dropping the F-word in my blog the other day, I had a talk with my mom yesterday and she thinks blog Brian shouldn't cuss. She thinks he should be like real life Brian and save curse words for when he really needs them.

Oh, she also thinks I listen to sexually explicit weird music that demeans women. Well, ya, doesn't everyone? My reply to that is ... well ... I think the most famous white rapper ever summed it up best when he rapped about what he thought record companies should do when they told him Will Smith didn't have to cuss to sell records.

Haha, kidding. I just wanted to imagine my mom and her 70-year-old friends googling Eminem lyrics. Either that or they're stuck watching Vanilla Ice on You Tube wondering why he's not rapping about Will Smith. Either way, it's funny. Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!

In all seriousness, I would never say that to my mother, but that doesn't mean blog Brian is going to stop dropping a few curse words every now and then whenever the FUCK he feels like it...haha. When I started blogging, I was clear that this blog is PG-13. If you're 13 years old and you haven't heard the F-Word. Well, that's not even a discussion worth having because it's an impossibility.

As for turning my back on sexually explicit "weird" music that "demeans" women. Well, I'm not about to do that either. I was raised on hip hop and it seems weird to me that people still aren't accepting of it. Mom should have known it's here to stay when she ponied up the money to buy me my first cassette. You know, the cassette tape that little rap trio Run DMC stunned the world with called Raising Hell. I've been Raising Hell ever since.

Just because Trick Daddy likes to sing about Sugar and goes "coo-coo to taste your Coco Puffs", does not mean he's any more perverted than any other red-blooded American man. I mean, we all dream about Coco Puffs. It's completely natural. You could be Andrea Bochelli and see that much.

Actually, I like this. I think I'm going to start blogging in code. I can just speak in rap lyrics and mom and her friends will have no idea what I'm talking about. If you think Mr. Trick Daddy raps dirty, just wait until I introduce you all to Ying Yang Twins' The Whisper Song. Oh, you're gonna love it! Be careful googling it or my blog might have to go from PG-13 to NC-17.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Don't Mess With My Toot Toot! Damn ear worms!

"Hello world, I'm with a yellow girl, number two pencil"...

You ever wonder why certain songs get stuck in your head? For the last week or so that line from Lil' Wayne's verse in B.O.B.'s song Strange Clouds has been stuck in my head. While I love the song, I can't stop from wondering if Wayne knew he had a great line when recording it. It seems I spend way too much time wondering about hip hop lyrics.

I guess when a song gets stuck in your head they call it an ear worm, a term I've read to be defined as involuntary imagery, or sounds, pictures, smells, and tastes that repeatedly come to mind. For me, it's always been music. 

I can remember this phenomenon from an early age when my parents played Barry Manilow's Copacabana. That song stuck in my head for days. Of course, it's not half as bad if you enjoy the song being repeated in your head all day. 

Unfortunately, I was usually tortured by such songs as Don Ho's Tiny Bubbles, the 80s country version of Don't Mess With My Toot Toot and, of course, we can't forget about Billy Ray Cyrus's Achy Breaky Heart.

I double dog dare you to listen to that Toot Toot song and not be singing it all day. Damn ear worms! Do you have an ear worm worth listening to? If so, please share.

Oh, how about this one: "You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round." Your welcome. Hey, at least it's better than Toot Toot...:)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Past - Future -- Fuck ups join me for expletive release

It seems I think a lot about going back in time to change things. Why I do that, I'm not quite sure. I think it's natural. However, I only have to take a quick trip through my Facebook friend's posts to realize we shouldn't dwell on our past, but rather focus on our future. There's millions of posts about that. Almost everyone agrees that's the best way to handle things.

But, if you ask me -- which you did by default of reading my blog -- it just sounds like I'm friends with a lot of fuck ups. I guess that means I'm a bit of a fuck up as well. Aren't we all? Ya, I said it. Oh, BTW, I've decided blog Brian is going to cuss more. Why have a blog if you can't drop a few expletives now and then. Am I right? I mean, I rarely cuss in person, but in my mind I'm doing it all the time, so why not let them fly in a blog. It makes life more interesting.

Speaking of cussing, I was at a house warming party and a friend of mine joined the crowd and someone asked him about a business that had done a bad job for him and made him look bad. He said out loud to everyone that they had fucked up. It seemed harsh at the time, and someone censored the comment when repeating it while inquiring for more details, but we all knew there's a big difference between a mess up and a fuck up. Come to find out, the latter means they're not getting hired again.

My advice for y'all this week is to find the right time and place to drop a few expletives and be okay with it. We all know we're not worried about the past, so we might as well start giving a fuck about the future. Oh, it feels good to be blog Brian. Can't stop, won't stop!