Monday, June 1, 2020

Double Down ... A change is coming.

Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!

    I sent out that message yesterday a few times hoping it might change how I felt. You know, a random message that might create happiness in someone. Truth is, there's a lot for me to be happy about, yet the world is in turmoil. Death, destruction, looting. Fire, chaos and emotion. It's so thick in the air right now. The energy is overwhelming. The pain is real. 

    There's a call for everyone to speak out. To speak their minds and create a new way of life for humanity. No change occurs without adversity. People always learn more from their losses than their wins. The fight for equality has taken horrific losses in the last few months, yet a change is happening. I see it. We all see and feel it. Now is the time to double down. Join in the message. Do better. Look within and do your part to create the change in humanity we hope to achieve. Assess your lives, your belief systems and the way you act, think and react. Let love drive you though adversity to this new way of living and a new way of life.

    When I think about black men and women, I see a new generation of leaders stepping up. I watched how eloquent President Barrack Obama spoke while leading our country for eight years. I admire the black men and women who have come into my life and opened my eyes to a new normal. I encourage them to double down right now and I will join in their message of equality. Yesterday I watched Michael Santiago Render, aka Killer Mike, talk in Atlanta and pray his message reaches the ears of those he intends it for to create change in the minds of those who need it. I also watched Nick Cannon's poetry tribute to George Floyd and fully felt the pain in his message. I pray his breath continues to be the voice for those who were taken from our world far too soon in an unthinkable way that must be changed. 
    Twitter feuds wage on. My Facebook and Instagram news feeds fill with horrific images of violence and chaos that can't be unseen. A memorial to Floyd and others sits rain soaked outside my local library as citizens peacefully take to the streets in protest. Protests all over the nation break out. In some, violence and chaos ensues. Once the dust settles, we all must build on that pain and craft a new message of hope inspired by the memories of those who have passed unjustly that can’t be denied. Continue to fill our eyes, ears and minds until your message of change is realized.

    They say there's a fine line between love and hate. Some even believe the devil is in all of us. It seems as though we've seen that devil lately. Yet his energy can be stopped. Contempt is the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. Speak out and reach your audience. Craft your message carefully like I've attempted to do with this blog. Know that to win an argument you must stay strong but calm, yet be extremely rational. For those who resist, you must qualify each point with evidence. Prevent facts rather than opinions and avoid sarcasm. Know in your heart that your message will change hearts and minds. A new normal is coming and you are the change you hope to see in the world. 

Happy Monday!

A new day has come. Use it wisely. There's only so much energy a person can create. Be sure that yours is leading those toward the new world you hope to achieve.

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