Wednesday, April 2, 2014

To blog or not to blog...That is A question.

Okay, so I haven't written a blog since last August. In fact, I've only had 58 blog postings all together, but I think they've been pretty good. Last August I blogged about new beginnings and it was a real doosy -- if I don't say so myself. It seems every time spring rolls around people start to think about new beginnings. And here it is now, a couple weeks into spring, and I'm contemplating life again; wondering why I do what I do and what I'm gonna do this spring to keep enough dough in the bank account to keep my life afloat.

Since last August, I've thought about blogging, but don't really see the point of it. Sometimes it's just easier to give up on things. I see more and more people blogging and wonder why they do it. I mean, what do THEY get out of it? I guess I could ask them. I've recently thought about video blogging, but I figure nobody wants to see me lounge around in my hoodie every morning and ramble on incessantly about some topic of the day. Or do you?

Lately I figure that if something I'm doing doesn't bring in money, then it's big a waste of my time. I suppose blogging could be fun if you had a following. Seems like I've been trying to build a following to benefit me for the last decade. So far I have two Facebook fan pages (Brian Kingsberry Photography & BK Photography - Portraits), two web sites ( &, 2,948 Facebook friends and I still often feel like nobody gives a fuck. Truth is that people are usually only concerned about themselves. I'm guilty of that as well. If you're not reading my blog, then why would I wanna read yours?

Well, maybe this will be my last blog until next spring. And maybe not. I guess you'll all have to wait and see.:)

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