Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama's speech. Gay marriage. Legalize it!

Ok, so I found myself watching President Obama on tv yesterday and the one thing that stuck in my head was when he compared congress/senate action to his kids doing their homework a day ahead of time. Ok, so the President's kids can get their homework done a day ahead of time, but grown men and women in congress can't get a damn thing done. Is that really what Obama is saying and how he is dealing with things? Talk about a passive agressive way of getting your message across.

If we're talking analogies, it seems to me like the President isn't really in control of leading congress/senate to making decisions. Is that because the republicans are running that show? Isn't the President supposed to act like the coach and the congress/senate his players? Maybe Obama feels more like the water boy and congress/senate calls all the plays and runs the game however they damn well feel like these days. Maybe congress/senate are content sitting on the sidelines sipping Gatorade. Maybe Obama just needs to stop his passive aggressive ways of dealing with congress and strap on his helmet, suit up and lead the team. I just hope that once the fourth quarter rolls around, someone steps up and heaves a hail mary that will turn this recession around.

Oh, and another thing, why bother to even address the reporter's question about gay marriage if you're not going to stand up for something and admit that equality should be something for everyone to enjoy. For a black man who leads the most powerful nation in the world not to automatically come out in favor of gay marriage perplexes me. Endorse that movement and make it happen already. Get it done people! It seems that people can say that color/sexual orientation shouldn't matter in this day and age, but obviously it still does if the President can't even realize that love conquers all and gays should be given the same rights as everyone else.

Oh, ya, one last thing, legalize it already.

God knows we could use the additional tax revenue!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Blogging ideas? Feel free to share/request....:)

Since I'm not an expert on blogging and just getting started, if you choose to follow me, please shoot me a message about what you're interested in having me write about. I also hope to post pictures in my blogs, so if you like pictures, let me know what you like and I'm happy to try and accomodate you (within reason).

Let me introduce myself.

Let me introduce myself. Yes, that's me. Can you feel the love?

Starting a blog. What to blog about?

Hey people!

My name is Brian Kingsberry and I've decided to join the 21st century and start a blog. I'm not quite sure what I plan to blog about, but I hope to keep it interesting enough to get some followers and have some fun with it.

I guess I'll start by telling you all a little about myself. I'm 34 years old and I currently run an online clothing store on eBay and own a photo studio in the heart of Bellingham Washington. Prior to going pro as an eBayer, I worked for five years as a sports reporter here in Washington. I still freelance as a writer/photographer when I get a chance, but spend most of my time keeping my little eBay store running smoothly.

As for what I plan to blog about, I guess I'll probably write about eBay, photography, local news and other small businesses. I'm hoping to get enough of a following that I can some day write local reviews about small businesses if there's enough of an interest. I have a lot of ideas about how to start businesses. Whether any of my ideas are good is the real question. For example, my last idea was to start a sandwich shop and call it Sub Weigh and charge customers by the weight. Good idea, right?

Well, I think three paragraphs is enough to get started. Please follow me and help me out in this venture if you have some experience with it.


Brian Kingsberry